After all these years...
it's about time.
It's official. Concourse A is closed forever.
Hello, brighter shoe selfies

Arriving soon: More of everything you love about PDX ... more food, more fun, more flow. And to make room for all of that awesomeness, we’re saying “adiós!” to A.

That’s right. After 31 years in service, Concourse A closed for good in November 2019. You can get a preview here of the cool changes we’re rolling out at PDX, including a bigger and brighter Concourse B opening in 2021.

If you’re flying with us soon, double-check your boarding pass. Alaska Airlines passengers accustomed to departing from the old A gates are getting an upgrade — your next flight will depart from Concourse C, where you can find coffee without long lines, mugs of craft beer and plenty of tasty places to eat. (Check out this handy map for a rundown of your new digs in Concourse C.)

Got questions before your next flight? We’re here to help.

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Your #GoodbyeA memories

We know you’re not going to miss A’s crowded spaces, dim lights and stuffy vibes. But we bet you have some cool memories from your time spent in Concourse A. Over the past several months, friends and frequent flyers like yourself have taken to social media to share their weirdest, sweetest and most embarrassing #GoodbyeA stories. We’d like to hear from you, too.

Have a story you’d like to share? Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #GoodbyeA and @'ing the Portland International Airport. That way, we can revel in the nostalgia together. So grab a glass of something good and let’s toast the concourse that was, honestly, so easy to hate.

We’ve collected some of our favorite memories. Hit the link below.

Read the stories